We are thrilled to introduce Group Registration for ADHA24! Bring four friends and take advantage of our Register 4, Get 1 Free discount! That’s a savings of up to 20% per person!
Group Size Limits: Each group must consist of exactly 5 registrants. Have more than 5? No worries! Add as many as you would like. For every 5 registrants, one is complimentary.
Designate a Group Lead: One person must serve as the group lead to register all five (5) group members together.Eligibility: Only the following registration types are eligible for the group discount:
Not Eligible: Complimentary registrations (i.e. Speaker or Contest Winner), Full Program Retired, Daily Passes, Exhibit Hall Only, Guests, and Pre/Post-conference are not eligible for a group discount.Mix & Match Rules:
Payment: Group registrations may be paid by credit card or mailed-in check. You may use separate credit cards for individual records in the group or one credit card for all group members! Payment is submitted after each attendee registration record is complete.
**If you have already registered as an individual, please contact MCI Registration to modify your ADHA24 record at jordan.mosley@wearemci.com. You will need to provide your name, email and confirmation number.
Click Here for Quick Start Instructions